November 1, 2024
Hey there, fellow Catz! A new version of ZpellCatz is available now that brings smooth collisions and many small improvements.
The old collision system had obvious weaknesses. Players were stuck on walls, bosses were blocked by Familiars, and melee enemies had difficulty attacking together without getting stuck.
For the current version 1.3.0, I took the time to completely rework the collision system. This benefits both CPU-controlled enemies and familiars, who can now reach their goal more easily, as well as players, who can now slide smoothly past walls and objects instead of getting stuck.
I tested the changes extensively. If you still notice any errors (especially related to collisions), please let me know via Discord or the ZpellCatz Steam Community.
In addition, the new version brings many smaller adjustments that make playing more pleasant. Feel free to take a look at the changelog.
*** General ***
- Reworked the collision system to avoid being stuck
- Slightly increased Familiar collision size
*** Quality of Life ***
- Added an option to hide already known info signs
- Increased item pickup radius
*** UI ***
- Added a custom cursor image
- Added a warning text on new game screen when name already used
*** Input ***
- Gamepad: Right analogue stick is now mapped to the same actions as the left one
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