Patch Update (1.2.1) August '24

*** Bugfixes ***
- Fixed a bug where multiple gamepads of the same type were not detected (thanks for reporting!)
- Fixed a warning positioning bug in the options menu

*** Engine ***
- Game engine update
- Library updates

"Hunt for Epics" Update (1.2.0) July '24

*** New Features ***
- Reworked tier 3 epic item smart drops (card stack like system)

*** Epic Items ***
- 'Glowing Stick': Replaced skill bonuses with +1 to Druid skills
- 'Roots of Wisdom': Increased life on hit and buff duration
- 'Circle of Sages': Increased bonus to 'Frailty'
- 'Iron Guard': Increased flat hp, increased dark resistance
- 'South': Added +1 to Twilight skills
- 'North': Added +5-15% cold damage, added +2-4 to 'Ice Missiles'
- 'West': Added +2-4 to 'Photosynthesis' and +2-4 to 'Shock Nova'
- 'Deadly Fist': Added +1 to Fury skills
- 'Sanctum of the Forest': Increased nature damage%
- 'Bone Talon': Increased flat storm damage to A1
- 'Dark Shock': Increased cursed effect dark res reduction, added flat dark damage to 'Shock Nova'
- 'Banner of Survivors': Added +10-15% cold damage
- 'Defiant Rod': Increased flat nature damage to A1
- 'Defiant Guardian': Increased flat nature damage to A1
- 'Tantrum': Replaced life on hit with higher life after kill

*** Intermediate Realm ***
- Third reward for clearing Intermediate Realm dungeons has been reduced from 10 clears to 7 clears
- Buffed various rewards for clearing Intermediate Realm dungeons 1 / 3 / 7 times

*** Balance ***
- Reduced jewelry special to rare upgrade costs

*** Bug Fixes ***
- Fixed a bug regarding the 'Eye of Mana' epic item effect

"Aim and Revival" Update (1.1.0) June '24

*** New Features ***
- Added a 'Shrine of Revival' to the room next to a boss room (normal difficulty only)
- The shrine offers one full revival (including Familiar and potions) for non-uber dungeons with a boss

*** Input ***
- Reduced aim assistant types to activated / deactivated (options menu)
- Aim assistant now adds a minor shot pursuit effect to various skills ('Ice Missiles', 'Fire Ball', Loki's A1, etc)
- Aim assistant is now enabled by default (it's a lot more fun when your spells actually hit enemies... :-D )

*** Familiars ***
- Aim assistent is now working for Familiars in local multiplayer
- Increased Familiar base movement speed by 5.6%
- Added +5% 'Faster Movement' native stat to Familiars
- Added +10% 'Faster Cast' native stat to Familiars

*** Balance ***
- Dungeon level 6: Enemies deal 5% less damage
- Dungeon level 45: Enemies deal 3% less damage
- Dungeon level 46: Enemies deal 5% less damage
- Flame Palace boss now deals 5% less damage
- Forgotten Mine boss, spiral skill now deals 10% less damage
- Library of Lies boss, totem skill now has a longer delay before shooting
- Inner Sanctum boss and their summons now deal 5% less damage

*** General ***
- Totems now have a spawn visual effect
- Totems are now easier to spot in dungeons with red ground
- Changed the 'Life on Hit' info to make clear that this is a great stat
- Cat hero and Familiar are now fully refreshed in overworld camps

"Full Version" Update (1.0.0) June '24

*** General ***
- Full version release of ZpellCatz, have fun playing!

Patch Update (0.101.10) May '24

*** General ***
- Fixed lots of text wording issues and typos

*** Quality of Life ***
- Familiar breeder menu now closes after Familiar selection
- Merchant menu now highlights the interaction hint when clicking an offer entry

*** Demo / Prologue ***
- Fixed a bug that hid the input hints for new players
- Quests 1 now correctly shows "Talk to Hildeguard"

Patch Update (0.101.8) May '24

*** General ***
- Pause menu sort button now has a proper sorting algorithm (thanks for the feedback!)

*** Quests ***
- Dungeons that are target to a "clear all rooms" quest now are full of arena rooms
- "Clear all rooms" quests now only require you to clear all arena rooms
- The two changes above also fix a bug where the cleared rooms were not counted correctly

*** Familiars ***
- Reduced cooldowns of A2 and A3 skills for all Familiars by 10%
- Health orb and skill cooldown ring now have a color

*** Balance ***
- Adjusted 'Shaman', 'Mage' and 'Fury' stats per level to give slightly more vitality
- Mage skill 'Fire Ball': Spell power scaling -10%, increased level 1 flat damage
- Mage skill 'Dark Wave': Spell power scaling -10%, increased level 1 flat damage
- Mage skill 'Arcane Intellect': Reduced all damage% gained, increased intelligence gained
- Mage skill 'Shadow Grasp': Reduced dark damage% gained
- Mage skill 'Heat': Reduced fire damage% gained
- Shaman skill 'Forst': Added a small amount of cold resistance
- Shaman skill 'Inner Storm': Added a small amount of life on hit
- Shaman skill 'Charged Soul': Added life after kill, slightly reduced storm damage
- Shaman skill 'Ice Missiles: Spell power scaling -10%, increased level 1 flat damage
- Shaman skill 'Lightning Totem': Spell power scaling -10%
- Fury skill 'Rage': Increased intelligence gained
- Fury skill 'Haste': Added evasion
- Fury skill 'Shock Nova': Spell power scaling -10%
- Twilight skill 'Frailty': Spell power scaling -10%, reduced curse effect
- Twilight skill 'Dark Harvest': Reduced LaK gained
- Twilight skill 'Fear': Reduced curse effect
- Druid skill 'Photosynthesis': Increased vitality gained
- Druid skill 'Healing Light': Increased HP gained
- Dungeon 1 boss now has a slight weakness vs. dark
- Difficulty 'Challenging': Adjusted values, added faster move and faster cast
- Enemy mod 'Totem' now has a longer pause between totem summons

*** Epic Items ***
- 'Blazing Pages': +storm damage, buffed stats
- 'Stroll': increased nature damage
- 'Elemental Repulse': +5-10% all damage
- 'Ancestor's Tower': +7-15% lux damage

*** Bug Fixes ***
- Fixed a bug when loading an invalid hero file
- Fixed a bug when loading multiple different hero files in the same session
- Fixed a gem inventory size bug when collecting high amounts of gems
- Fixed a skill level tooltip bug
- Fixed a bug when regularly playing local multiplayer and restarting the game
- Fixed a bug where the tailor UI did not update the color of the ground circle

"The Look" Update (0.101.3) April '24

*** New Features ***
- Added a tailor NPC to be able to change the visual appearance
- UI overhoal

*** General ***
- Quest items and essence no longer have notifiers
- Dungeon generation: added more shortcuts (bonus room connections)
- Dungeon generation: adjusted shape algorithm of "cave" and "tunnel" dungeons
- Adjusted item spawn animation for rooms
- Loca text adjustments

*** Audio ***
- Changed collect gem sound

*** Skills ***
- Rebalanced nearly all class skills and path skills to be viable in late game content

*** Epic Items ***
- 'Iron Forehead': +8-12% nature damage
- 'Skull of the Titan': +8-12% lux damage
- 'Shield Enhancer': +8-12% all damage
- 'Protective Branch': +1-2 to 'Gaia Rush'
- 'Tough Leather': +5-10% fire damage
- 'The Blocker': +5-10% lux damage
- 'Safeguard': +5-10% nature damage
- 'Stroll': +4-8% nature damage
- 'Rushing Spur': +4-8% storm damage
- 'Progress': +4-8% fire damage
- 'Hand of the Guardian': increased stats
- 'Permafrost': Removed fire res, added storm to cold conversion, increased stats
- 'Storm Runners': Added storm pierce to buff effect
- Added bonus damage as cold to 'Frost Burn'
- Added bonus damage as cold to 'Eternal Snow'
- Added bonus damage as fire to 'Eternal Flame'
- Added bonus damage as lux to 'Eternal Light'
- Added bonus damage as storm to 'Eternal Storm'
- Added bonus damage as nature to 'Eternal Grassland'
- Added bonus damage as dark to 'Eternal Darkness'

*** Enemies ***
- Early enemies are more dangerous / interesting now

*** Balance ***
- Increased the soft cap / cap of various stats (this is a buff)
- Trippled EXP gained from bosses
- Slightly increased EXP gained from enemies (level 15+)
- Increased sell value for items
- Adjusted merchant offer costs
- Reduced duration of enemy 'Root' buff
- Enemy mod 'Totem' now summons 2 totems near the center of the screen
- Rebalanced defense for players and enemies, defense now slightly increases blocked damage
- Reduced gem upgrade costs of rare gems (still higher than normal gems' costs)
- Rebalanced all gems
- Rebalanced blacksmith's "polish" and "blue chaos" values

*** Bug Fixes ***
- Fixed stat sorting issues in craft epic item tooltip (blacksmith)
- Fixed a bug where arena room drops were too low
- Fixed a bug where slowing curses could cause a complete cooldown time stop
- Fixed a bug that sometimes generated 'Palace' shaped dungeons with not enough rooms

*** Engine ***
- Game engine update
- Library updates

"Sharing is Caring" Update (0.100.0) January '24

*** New Features ***
- Added a (shared) stash to the market hall
- Added a highscore system for dungeons with bosses
- Added new game modes 'Challenging', 'Hardcore' and 'Cat-core'

*** General ***
- Decreased 'Dark Wave' damage by 5%
- Decreased 'Frailty' damage by 5%
- Increased soft cap of elemental resistances from 35% to 40% (this is a buff)
- Renamed Bashu's 'Inner Light' to 'Inner Glow' to reduce confusion with a Twilight tree skill of the same name
- Minor loca text adjustments

*** Items ***
- Increased rare and epic item drop chance for lower levels
- Slightly buffed stats for 'Hunting Call'
- Buffed all items of merchant offer page 2

*** Gems ***
- Buffed rare gems
- Buffed low performing gems
- Reduced the level requirement for some gems sold by the merchant

*** Dungeons ***
- Main quest dungeons 2 - 6 now drop more fishsticks / dust
- 'Temple Ruins' boss now always drops a normal quality jewelry (ring or necklace)
- 'Mushroom Cavern': Minor wall design adjustments

*** Enemies ***
- Reduced defense and healing of zombie type enemies, increased their HP to compensate
- 'Flame Temple' boss: -20% fire totem damage, -40% full screen totem damage
- 'Temple Ruins' zombie miniboss: +25% HP / healing, increased spell aoe
- 'Temple Ruins' heron miniboss: +25% damage, +20% faster cast, increased spell aoe
- 'Dark Sanctuary' boss: +27% magic circle damage

*** Pumpkin Prologue ***
- Added Familiars and local multiplayer
- Adjusted exp curve to easier reach level 7 and level 8
- Increased enemy levels for prologue dungeons by 1 (each)
- Increased enemy HP and damage due to Familiars being available now
- 'Pumpkin Ruins' boss: +14% HP

"Very Familiar" Update (0.99.0) November '23

*** Familiars ***
- Familiar base stats have been rebalanced
- Familiars now gain stats from gems in your casket
- Familiars now have innate 'Life after Kill' that scales with level
- Familiar talents now give big stat bonuses to Familiars and small ones to cat heroes
- Familiar offensive skill cooldowns and damage increased (net buff)
- Loki is now available from the start of the game
- Increased Familiar base movement speed by 25%
- Familiars are now able to collect items
- Familiars controlled by AI now auto collect coins (and other items accidentally)

*** General ***
- Slightly increased enemy HP for low level (1-3) enemies due to Loki being available from the start
- Skill UI now shows a blue border for skills with max allocated skill points
- Adjusted enemy movement speed animation for slower enemies
- Adjusted room enemy bonus mod distribution to reduce the same mods appearing too often throughout a dungeon

*** Epic Items ***
- Added all resistances to 'Protective Branch'

*** Druid ***
- Increased life on hit bonus for 'Glaring Light'
- Increased mind gained by 'Radiance'
- Increased stats gained by 'Shield Mastery'
- 'Growth' no longer grants vitality, added life after kill
- Added vitality to 'Photosynthesis'
- Increased stats gained by 'Sylph's Gift'

*** Tranquility ***
- Increased mind gained by 'Herbal Guard'
- Incrased stats gained by 'Adaption'

*** Bug Fixes ***
- Fixed an AI movement issue
- Fixed missing audio for "Thorns" enemy bonus mod

"Your Voice" Update (0.98.0) September '23

*** Audio ***
- Audio volumes can now be controlled via slider to allow finer adjustments
- NOTE: If you adjusted the audio volumes previously, you have to increase your volumes in this version

*** General ***
- Increased movement animation speed
- Dungeon clear quests: dungeon clear accomplishment is now also saved for non-active quests
- Renamed "Talent to select" notification to "Familiar talent"
- Added a "low on health" indicator (red screen border) starting at 50% HP

*** Spells ***
- "Frailty" now deals damage within the whole circle, not with the pentagram shots only

*** Pause Menu UI ***
- Added notifiers to the pause menu for all kinds of stuff (points available, new item, ...)
- Added a "sort inventory" button to the pause menu
- Opening the quest menu now displays a recently updated quest by default
- Skill entries now have colored text whenever you have bonus points

** Bug Fixes ***
- Potion hover now shows the correct amount of charges
- Fixed multiple overlay issues when teleporting to town or returning to main menu

*** Special Thanks ***
- Thanks for your feedback / bug reports: Chamosmile, Denzi, Dysman, Godspeed, Quinque, ZoneMaster, <anonymous>

"Ready for Beta" Update (0.97.0) August '23

*** General ***
- Fixed a "Load Game" menu selection issue
- Adjusted class combination names
- Minor dialogue adjustments
- Added clouds to the main menu screen

*** Gameplay Changes ***
- Equipment can no longer be changed while there are enemies nearby

*** Input ***
- Mouse buttons (middle, right, mb4, mb5, scroll up, scroll down) can now be used to cast skills (and other input if you want to)
- Gamepad button "B" now also closes ingame menus

*** UI ***
- Replaced the "requirements too high" graphic with a simple X
- Quest menu texts now show important words in yellow color
- Adjusted shop NPC UIs (merchant, blacksmith)
- Notifications are now hidden when the desired action is taken

*** Engine ***
- Game engine update
- Library updates

"Down to Earth" Update (0.96.0) February '23

*** General ***
- Fixed ingame texts
- Adjusted AI pathfinding to get stuck less often
- Minor pause menu UI adjustments
- Fixed strange tooltip positions near screen edges
- Added floor visuals

*** Quality of Life ***
- Double clicking a cat's save file now starts the game with that cat

*** Balance ***
- Fixed wolf and fox AI to feel more like "hit & run"
- Flathead enemies (zombies) now have increased defense / HP
- Early enemy types (stars, ducks, urchins) now use more interesting spells

*** Engine ***
- Game engine update
- Library updates

"Kick and Start" Update (0.95.2) September '22

*** UI ***
- Quest finished dialogue looks nicer now
- Replaced the discord box with a SimaGames info box
- Small UI bug fixes

*** System ***
- Added resilience to corrupted save files

*** Engine ***
- Game engine update
- Library updates

"Dark Harvest" Update (0.94.0) June '22

*** General ***
- Improved spell visuals effects
- Mountains now have a slightly different color for each height level
- Improved destructable death animation
- Steam Cloud now correctly works for cross-platform (Windows / Linux)

*** Shaman ***
- Increased "Ice Missiles" shot speed by 50%
- Updated "Ice Missiles" description

*** Pumpkin Prologue ***
- The epic item "Dark Harvest" is now a guaranteed drop (one time only)
- Slightly adjusted the base resistances of Traulicht
- Fixed a bug that occasionally caused a black screen when entering a room

"Great on Deck" Update (0.93.0) April '22

*** General ***
- Added more epic items
- Friendly rooms are allowed to spawn closer to the dungeon entrance now
- Advanced blacksmith services are now cheaper when the base item is of normal quality
    - This change makes normal items worth being picked up in midgame / lategame (e.g. to craft epic items)
- Treasure rooms and boss rooms now drop at least one item of quality special or higher
- Added an option to change cursor speed when playing with a gamepad
- Reworked main menu scene
- Small bug fixes

*** World ***
- Greatly improved water / ocean mesh and added a wave animation
- Wall and doodad meshes have been improved
- Crystal cave (pumpkin prologue) walls now have crystals in them

*** UI ***
- Dialogue box now supports colored text
- Adjusted quest item info icon position
- Added new logo graphic
- Name box of the new game screen is now on top to better work with on screen keyboard (Deck)
- "Box" gamepad layout now has proper button images for "start" and "select"
- Added "Deck" gamepad layout
- Minor UI fixes

*** SAVE STATE ***
- Audio & video settings are now saved locally only
    - There is no reason to share these settings between multiple devices (e.g. main PC and Deck)
    - Breaking change: Your previous audio & video settings will be overwritten by default values

*** Engine ***
- Game engine update: Unity 2021
- Library updates

"Tool and the Tip" Update (0.92.0) Feb '22

*** General ***
- Slightly increased base movement, animation and shot speed (115% -> 120%)
- Added more epic items
- The currency "coin" is called "Thaler" from now on
- Small bug fixes

*** Balance ***
- Adjusted Int%, Vit%, Mind%, HP%, Def% and Spo% drop table on special and rare items
- Adjusted soft cap and maximum for various stats
- Slightly adjusted / increased values for most passive skills
- Added more teleporter rooms to large dungeons (e.g. Pumpkin Ruins)

*** UI ***
- Added tooltips to various UI elements
- UI adjustments
- Notification UI is now hidden when talking to NPCs

*** Mechanic Changes ***
- Items can now be sold to the merchant, too

*** New Features ***
- Added a new type of dungeon rooms: "Friendly Rooms"
- Friendly rooms provide some coins and don't spawn enemies

*** Pumpkin Prologue ***
- Parina's quest step "sell item" can now also be completed by selling to the merchant NPC
- Pumpkin Ruins now contain some "Friendly Rooms" to pseudo-decrease dungeon size (without changing the minimap shape)

"Maneuverability" Update (0.91.8) Oct '21

*** Maneuverability ***
- Increased base movement, animation and shot speed (100% -> 115%)
- Improved walking animation to fix the "floating ghost" problem
- Added animation cancelling for heroes

*** Resolution ***
- Added more windowed resolution entries for high res
- Fixed full screen streching bug for non 16:9 displays

*** UI ***
- Added a loading bar when starting the game

*** Pumpkin Prologue ***
- Fixed one of Quela's dialogue entries
- Slightly increased enemy damage in the early areas (~ 5%)
- Slightly increased boss damage (~ 5%)
- Slightly increased boss hp (~ 10%)