1.06 changes:
*** Bugfix ***
- Fixed an issue where some skills created multiple powerups
- Fixed default Steam Deck d-pad controls
- Fixed an issue with pvp achievement stats not reporting correctly (Steam)
*** Balance ***
- Reduced the damage of the quad ice from epic item 'Cuatro' (it's still powerful)
- Slightly reduced the damage of the snake nova from epic item 'Viper'
1.05 changes:
*** Appearance ***
- There is now a news box in the title screen
*** System Changes ***
- Legends of Pixelia now uses the new SimaGames backend
- Top 10 / top 100 lists are no longer separated by months, but all values are stored 180 days instead
*** Engine ***
- Game engine update: Unity 2019
- Library updates
1.04 changes:
*** Bugfix ***
- Fixed a TLS version bug, backend communication is working again
- Fixed minor bugs
*** Engine ***
- Game engine update: Unity 2018
- From now on, Linux and Mac OS X are 64-bit only due to engine limitations
- Library updates
1.03 changes:
*** System Changes ***
- Added a difficulty selection system (casual, easy, original, hard)
*** Steam ***
- Added Steam trading cards
- Save files and settings are stored in the cloud when playing on Steam
*** Bugfix ***
- Fixed a bug related to passive skills
- The top 10 display is now updated after finishing a dungeon
1.02 changes:
*** Appearance ***
- Added an option to get to the main menu from pvp mode
- Reduced the menu text overhead
*** Balance ***
- Slightly decreased Orbit Shield damage
- Reduced the respec drink costs by about 20% for higher hero levels
- Reduced the respec drink costs a lot for heroes with level 17 or lower
*** System Changes ***
- Enemies’ damage now gradually decreases when they combo you
*** Engine ***
- Game engine update: Unity 5.2.4
1.01 changes:
*** New ***
- Added 18 new epic items to the drop pool
*** System Changes ***
- The EXP cap is a lot softer now
- Buying the scoundrel’s dice now gives a small epic find chance bonus
- Vamp Hunter’s orbit shield is no longer breakable
*** Appearance ***
- Epic effects added to off/def rating: Ace, Bee, Ex, Why, Storm’s Punch, Vampire’s Spell
- The guard chance calculation for defense rating is correct now
- Melee/ Ranged/ Special 40 bonuses are now added to the offensive rating calculation
- Renamed the “Evade” passive to “Avoid”
*** Balance ***
- Increased the Angel Blessing (not Demon Blessing) stat bonus by 50%
- Increased the blessing cap for all game+ dungeons
- Increased the EXP gained in game+ dungeons
- Offensive 40 bonus is now +15% crit. chance & +40% crit. damage
- Defensive 40 bonus is now +25% chance to evade (any incoming damage)
- Slightly buffed the passive Vampire’s Teeth
- Epic item buffs: Storm’s Guard, Ninja’s Hood, Ninja’s Ambush, Dreifarb
- Slightly reduced evil plant enemies’ skill damage
- Slightly reduced boss 1-1 damage
- Slightly reduced boss 9-1 damage
- Slightly buffed boss 6-3 and its game+ version
- Increased all guard chance values by about 30%
- All damage, defense, HP and heal per room on items increased by about 5%
*** Quality of Life ***
- Pressing and holding “A” now chains the base combo
- Pressing and holding “RB” now executes a block whenever possible
*** Bugfixes ***
- Game engine update: Unity 5.2.2
- Reduced the pool size of the pooling system
1.00 changes:
*** New ***
- Added two new hero classes: Vamp Hunter & Mage
- You can now find epic items in big treasure chests (low chance, but powerful!)
*** System Changes ***
- You now get bonus base attack (“A”) damage from level ups
- You can now delete heroes ingame
- Potions now heal all players in multiplayer
- Bots in PvP now only choose unlocked champions
*** Balance ***
- Nerfed boss 1-1 and boss 1-2
- Slightly slowed down cast speeds of: comet rain, fire ball
- Decreased comet rain damage
- Increased flamestrike damage
- Combo-3 shot from Paladins and Archers now pierce
- The center arrow from multishot now has increased damage and pierces
- Gaze learned a new trick…
- Rebalanced scoundrel gold cost
*** Bugfixes ***
- Performance boost!
- Fixed a display bug for items showing slightly too high values for XBY damage
- Fixed a bug that lead to wrong gravity settings in air combos
- Bugfix: Main menu go back display error fixed
0.93 changes:
*** New ***
- Added the scoundrel NPC that offers expensive artifacts (available after clearing dungeon 3)
*** System Changes ***
- Removed minimum damage taken, go full def if you want to :-)
- Reduced variation of the number of rooms per stage
- Every boss now has a fix boss room layout
*** Balance ***
- Increased Multishot damage
- Reduced enemy archers’ basic attack speed
- Decreased sky slash damage of avatars
- Slightly increased boss room exp, increased cap
- Slightly nerfed Boss 7-3
- Slight rebalance for game+ dungeons
- Reduced inventory upgrade costs
- Increased movement speed factor on items
*** Bugfixes ***
- OpenGL2 systems now default to “Ingame Look” 1 to prevent invisible characters
- Increased some scripts’ performance to reduce lag when lots of shots are on the screen
- Fixed a bug that decreased the number of statues in small stages
- Fixed a bug displaying too high def rating with high heal per room
- Minor bugfixes
0.92 changes:
*** New ***
- New hero class: Archer (beat dungeon 4 to unlock)
- New enemy types: archer types for skeletons and demons
*** Appearance ***
- Increased the brightness of some dungeons
- Items now display their quality and maximum durability
- Added Kickstarter ‘Bronze Edition’ backer names to the credits
*** Balance ***
- Slightly increased the Barbarian’s base attack speed
- Slightly rebalanced ostriches to reduce lag
- Added the new archer enemies to dungeon 1, 3 and 6
- AI: Better estimate skills with multiple shots
- AI: Better estimate skills with offset shots
*** Bugfixes ***
- Fixed an upgrade bug on items with more than 3 stats
0.91 Changes:
*** New ***
- Added Steam Achievements
*** Balance ***
- Slightly nerfed Bosses 9-1, 9-3 and 12-1
- Multiplayer mode is a little bit easier now
*** Bugfix ***
- Changed the target frame rate from infinite to 90
- Loading screen display bug fixed
- Minor Bugfixes
0.90 Changes:
*** New ***
- New hero class: Sentinel (beat dungeon 3 to unlock)
- Added a “Credits” page for the main menu
- Heroes and enemies got a thin outline
- Added an option to deactivate character outlines and/or lighting
*** Appearance ***
- Slightly changed the Barbarian sprites
- Slightly changed the Paladin sprites
- Players are now able to choose a hero color in adventure mode
- Boss rooms and treasure room now have a special minimap icon
*** Balance ***
- Nerfed bosses 1-1 and 1-2 a little bit
*** Versus ***
- Avelane’s bot AI: better cross trap usage
*** Bugfix ***
- Enemies are no longer able to push qustion mark dudes and altars
- Emtpy room in pvp fix
- Minor bugfixes
0.82 Changes:
*** Appearance ***
- UI now shows gamepad and keyboard button icons
- Redesigned the tutorial stage
*** Balance ***
- Dungeon 4 and higher: Rebalance
- The Exp curve for higher levels is more sane now
- Exp loss when dying is capped at 40% of the required Exp
- Chest gold drops now scale with the dungeon level
- Boss gold drops now scale with the dungeon level
- Angel and Demon blessings now scale with the dungeon level
- Hardcore players now only find demon statues
- The chance to find angel statues increases with a high death count (softcore)
- Enemies got some extra power against low level heroes
- Lasers: Flinch duration reduced
- High level items (game+) have much higher stat values
- Heal per Room now grants some bonus HP when at the cap
- Bonus attack damage based on your lowest skill damage bonus
*** Bugfixes ***
- Killing all regular enemies in a room automatically removes all summons and clones
- Fixed minor bugs
0.81 Changes:
It should be viable to play a full offensive as well as a full defensive build. That’s why some caps have been loosened:
- Increased cap for various stats
- Increased max. damage taken for boss ads
- Skills with a low number of hits now have a multiplier for enemy max. damage taken
- Critical hit and guard chance damage now calculates after the damage cap
General balance changes:
- Boss 4-1 ultimate: Now easier to evade
- Boss 4-2 ads nerfed
- Start rooms no longer contain pots and chests
- Clearing a boss room heals some HP for all players
- Passive skill tree rebalance
- Removed the skill shield from some enemy types
- Enemies cycle through the colors of skill shields to prevent multiple same colored skill shields in the same room (if possible)
- More exp gained in later dungeons